Caroline Vigneaux
Co-produced by Label LN
Caroline Vigneaux returns to the stage with her new one-woman show “IN VIGNEAUX VERITAS”.
Caroline is halfway through her life, right between the young and the old: she has a TikTok account but she pays someone to post, because she doesn’t understand anything! She’s finished climbing to the top of the mountain and she’s admiring the view, before starting the descent… And from the top of her life, she’s determined to finally tell the truth, the whole truth, but not just the truth… The truth about what? About the legalisation of hard drugs in nursing homes, about masculinists and the limits of feminism (because, yes, she has found some!), about the dangers of porn and Corn Flakes for young people, about gender issues and erectile dysfunction in older people, about woke culture, about her anxiety about AI and, of course, about her affair with Brad Pitt.
All our news is on our social networks: Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.
Don’t hesitate to book a table in one of our restaurants before or after the show!
Open to Minors